Community Health Worker Training
Developing the skills and knowledge of community members to serve as part of the region’s health workforce.
We are proud to have trained over 1,000 community health workers (CHWs) over the past decade for our own projects and for many other initiatives and partners. While occasionally training outside the region, our CHWs primarily work throughout the Greater Washington region. CHWs trained by IPHI are currently working for community-based organizations, community health centers, hospitals, managed care organizations, health departments, universities, and other employers.
We have developed an accessible, comprehensive CHW training program that incorporates adult learning methods and meets the needs of diverse learners. The IPHI CHW training builds upon the core roles and competencies of community health workers identified in the National Community Health Advisor Study conducted by The University of Arizona in 1998 and is regularly updated for the latest best practices in CHW training.
The training is comprised of:
- An adaptable 100-hour core skills training
- Additional modules for specific types of CHW-based programs and services
- Recommended ongoing CHW continuing education (approx. 8 hrs/month)
- Drop-in continuing education opportunities
- Annual CHW retreats
The training courses provided by IPHI includes:
- Cores Skills Competency
- Continuing Education
- CHW Supervisor
- CHW Team Integration
- CHW Specialty Trainings
- CHW Training of Trainers
- HRSA – IPHI CHW Academy
A Two-Pronged Approach to Success
A combination of evidence-based content and skilled, experienced trainers contribute to the success of our CHW training. The large majority of the CHWs working on our projects have stayed in their positions or been promoted to new opportunities.
We offer CHW competency trainings for community members on a regular basis. Please register to join our mailing list and learn about upcoming training opportunities here.
The following are testimonials from training participants:
“I really appreciate your training. That was the best training I have ever had. I never had training about the community health worker and was not clear about the role. This training answered every question I had and helped me to equip myself with the new tools I need.” – Training Participant, Healthy Howard
“Both of you ladies are amazingly skilled trainers/facilitators. The training was excellent.” – Virginia Department of Health staff
To learn more about community health worker training opportunities, please contact training@institutephi.org.