Equity and Health in all Policies Technical Assistance
Equity and Health in All Policies (EHiAP) is a collaborative approach to improving community health by incorporating health considerations into decision-making across sectors and policy areas.
To download the Equity and Health in All Policies Technical Framework, click: here.
The health of communities is greatly affected by policies and practices not only in the public health and healthcare arenas, but across diverse areas such as housing, land use and planning, transportation, public safety, education, economic and community development, environmental protection, and many other sectors. Such policies and practices shape our environment and the conditions in which we live, work, learn and play, impacting our health and well-being directly as well as indirectly by influencing our health-related behaviors.
We provide technical assistance to local and state governments on Equity and Health in All Policies. As an example, we provided support to the City of Richmond, Virginia, in the development and adoption of an Equity and Health in All Policies Resolution in February 2015 and worked with a team of city departmental leaders to implement the Equity and Health in All Policies framework across all departments, agencies, and offices. As part of this technical assistance, IPHI Vice President Mike Royster co-facilitated a two-day workshop for leaders of the Richmond City government on EHiAP. During the two days, participants were introduced to EHiAP concepts and definitions, explored how EHiAP relates to and can support the city’s strategic plan and focus on poverty reduction, and practiced using a health equity impact (HEI) tool that helped participants consider the health and equity implications of the city’s revitalization plans.
To learn more about Equity and Health in All Policies and IPHI’s related technical assistance, please contact us at info@institutephi.org.