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Three boys wearing soccer gear are stretching on the field.

Health Equity Consultant for Nemours Foundation

Three boys wearing soccer gear are stretching on the field.

Health Equity Consultant for Nemours Foundation

In August 2021, IPHI extended its partnership with Nemours Children’s Health System for a fourth year. IPHI will continue to serve as an equity consultant for Nemours’ CDC-funded Healthy Kids, Healthy Future (HKHF) initiative.

Healthy Kids, Healthy Future logo


HKHF partners with state-level early care and education (ECE) coalitions of agencies and organizations integrating obesity prevention policies and systems into ECE settings.

IPHI will continue to provide core equity training to state-level coalitions throughout the nation. The training uses a 16-hour Healthy and Equitable Communities (HEC) curriculum, then provides follow-up technical assistance to support integrating equity tools and concepts into coalition strategies. IPHI will work with up to seven states through HKHF on the following:

  • Health Equity Research / Data
  • Coalition Building and Support
  • Survey Design / Development
  • Strategic Planning
  • Community Engagement
  • Equity Committee Development

IPHI supported Nemours HKHF with the following technical assistance :

  • Michigan and Florida –
    • Provided consultative services to advise on the logistics and communications needed to coordinate each state’s Healthy and Equitable Communities Workshop sessions. IPHI coordinated participant registrations via IPHI’s Learning Hub system and distributed pre- and post-assessment surveys to assess participant knowledge levels around various equity topics. After the workshops, IPHI provided a comprehensive training report summarizing data from the workshop sessions and providing recommendations for future improvements.
  • Kansas –
    • Provided consultation on the development of a position description for a newly created Equity Consultant role. IPHI leveraged best practices for job descriptions to co-create an accurate and detailed position description in collaboration with our client partner.
  • Alabama –
    • Attended several strategic planning discussions to assess the needs to support re-assembling their member coalition. Discussions centered around potential technical assistance support areas, including the development of a member survey, assistance with a strategic plan, coalition re-engagement strategies, and expanding diversity of coalition members.
  • Pennsylvania Keystone Kids Go (KKG)
    • Reviewed prior member survey data and advised the development of an enhanced member survey to embed an equity focus. IPHI evaluated the client’s mission, values statement, and strategic plan and advised on opportunities to increase emphasis on equity language and methods. Provided guidance on methods to engage additional coalition members, ensuring representation from diverse organizations. IPHI assisted our client with developing a steering committee and advised on plans for the re-engagement of their coalition members. Also developed plans for the KKG’s annual member meeting. For the annual meeting, IPHI developed presentation materials and facilitated consensus discussions to ensure a path forward in building equity into their strategic plan.