On July 24 and 25, 2018, IPHI, DCPCA, DC Health, and La Clinica del Pueblo worked together to organize the 1st Annual DC Outreach Workers’ Conference. The 2-day event brought CHWs, outreach workers, and stakeholders together to participate in workshops and get up-to-date information on the state of public health in DC.
The presentations and training topics included:
National CHW Policy
Health & Immigration
Chronic Disease Self-Management
Mental Health & Trauma-Informed Care
The Opioid Epidemic & the Role for CHWs
Naloxone Training
CHW Sustainability: CHW Advocacy
Love, Sex, and Spirituality
The CHW Professional Association of DC
We look forward to connecting with CHWs monthly at our continuing education sessions and CHWPADC meeting and to working with other stakeholders to continue moving CHW sustainability forward in D.C.
Great news concerning CHW certification comes out of Maryland! Together with chapters of the Maryland CHW Network and other partners, IPHI was highly involved in the CHW certification legislation introduced during the recent legislative session. Delegate Clarence K. Lam and Senator Shirley Nathan-Pulliam continued to be two champions of CHW certification. With their leadership, the bill for voluntary CHW certification passed through the General Assembly and was signed into law by Governor Hogan May 8, 2018. This bill establishes the State Community Health Worker Advisory Committee within the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) and requires MDH to adopt specified regulations related to the training and certification of community health workers in the State. The bill also establishes the State Community Health Workers Fund.
IPHI joins the MD CHW Network and other stakeholders to witness Gov. Hogan sign the CHW certification bill into law on May 8, 2018.
We at IPHI believe this a key milestone in achieving CHW sustainability in Maryland and recognize the hard work and dedication of everyone, particularly the Maryland CHWs, who worked tirelessly advocating for the bill. There is still a lot of work to be done, and we look forward to partnering with MDH, the Maryland CHW Network, and other stakeholders to continue working towards CHW sustainability. To find out more, read the final bill in its entirety.
IPHI, together with the Virginia Community Health Worker Association, held a one-day forum for community health workers from across the Commonwealth of Virginia on May 18, 2018, at the Libbie Mill Library in Richmond, Virginia. The forum featured speakers with expertise in Medicaid, opioids, disabilities, housing, and equity, among other key topics. The primary goals of the forum were to:
Train CHWs on topics such as Medicaid, opioids, cultural humility, and working with special populations;
Provide updates on the state of CHW workforce development in Virginia, with a special emphasis on CHW certification; and
Provide opportunities for CHWs from across the Commonwealth to connect with the Virginia Community Health Worker Association.
Certified Community Health Worker Credential Now Available
IPHI is pleased to announce that a new credential for community health workers is now available through the Virginia Certification Board. Since 2012, IPHI has worked with partners in Virginia on CHW workforce development through the CHW Advisory Group, and we are proud of the progress that has been accomplished by this partnership. The credential was developed by and reviewed, approved, and supported by the Virginia Department of Health, the Virginia Community Health Worker Advisory Group, and the Virginia Community Health Worker Association.
Requirements for CHW certification can be found in the certification application by clicking on this link: CCHW Application. Learn more about the Virginia Certification Board online at vacertboard.org. For questions about the CCHW process, email Virginia Certification Board at info@vacertboard.org. IPHI will continue to work with partners to refine the certification process as well as to support and implement policies that advance the CHW workforce in VA.